MysterU in Numbers

Here are a few numbers to help you better understand the digital eScape project, which, although the name may mislead, has NOTHING to do with a digital “adaptation” of a classic Escape Room!

agents already experienced MysterU
escape game to solve
months to conceive and design Mr. U's escape
out of 10 is the degree of players' appreciation
team members

Our Story

It all began in Fall 2019: after creating and managing various entrepreneurial projects, the two founders wanted to create something different and in line with their extensive experience in digital.

They get inspired by various investigative games, such as board games, but version after version comes up with something new and different.

Two questions continue to plague them: how to create a game for Italian Switzerland and Italy? How to eliminate the 60-minute time limit typical of escape rooms?

After many trials, 6 months of development, 12 beta versions, various tests carried out on fans, friends and family, the first eScape was born: “Mr. U,” which after much effort and many versions now gets a very high degree of appreciation.

The secret of success?

…We listen to our Agents in the field! Experience takes shape and mutates through the very useful and valuable feedback from our Agents!

A big thank you to you for this!

They talked about us:

Screenshot 2020 08 08 at 13.57.13
Screenshot 2020 08 08 at 13.57.29
Screenshot 2020 08 08 at 13.46.26
logo bitcity w

MysterU has appeared in various media and newspapers, find out more about our Media page.