Ugly Gifts: Our Top 5 Suggestions!

Ugly gifts: we are all tired of receiving (and giving) them. It happens whenever there are parties, birthdays, aunts we haven’t seen in years, people with few ideas… So we thought we would present you with our top 5 ugly gifts, imagining also to give you a final suggestion with which to break this vicious cycle.

Rosa 1

Still life

In fifth place in our special ranking is the arrangement of fake flowers. It’s the neighbour’s birthday, or the anniversary of the sister-in-law’s cousin, and ideas are scarce. So we opt for a beautiful still life (in the true sense of the word) that can decorate the beautiful shelves of the living room cabinet. Or theĀ garbage bag, depending on how much the gift is appreciated…



Instead, the wooden medal of ugly gifts is won by an item that is valuable in itself, but poorly thought out: the silver tea set for two. Some might be amazed: this item has had good fortune over the years within the wedding lists of half of Italy. Yet, come to think of it, it rightfully deserves to be on our list. 

Silver, as everyone knows, is one of the best conductors in the world. Imagining a silver tea service for two, then, means, in effect, providing work for the burns department of our country’s hospitals. In the moments following immersion in the hot and tasty royal beverage, in fact, the silver teaspoon quickly reaches temperatures close to those of the sun.

The unsuspecting drinker begins to feel a slight warmth on his fingertips and, as a result, is induced to bring the devil’s instrument close to his lips. And there the deed happens. Third-degree burn and trip to the emergency room. Thank you, relatives, for this beautiful gift!

A Blast Into The Past

We are now on the podium and, in third place, we can only find the faux leather fanny pack. After a long career spent treading the catwalks of the world, this accessory has now also had its day. Despite its apparent practicality, therefore, the faux leather fanny pack must be placed on the list of ugly gifts.

Besides being unfashionable, in fact, it presents a peculiar characteristic. It is a tool that, normally, finds most use during the summer, when men, bereft of jackets and coats, need storage for their belongings. But during the hot season, it is known, that the fake leather of the pouch limits perspiration, contributing to the formation, on the unfortunate man’s clothes, of horrible sweat patches that make any observer cringe.



In second place we find a great classic: the grandmother’s, or aunt’s, sweater. Usually given as a gift for Christmas, theĀ pulloverĀ craftsmanship comes with a decidedly awkward texture, an ability to generate more heat than a radiator, and a natural predisposition to smear lint on whatever shirt or sweater is worn under it. To all this must be added the fact that it cannot be recycled easily, because, on many occasions, it presents the initials of the unfortunate recipient. If you want to corner someone by giving them a gift, well, the sweaterĀ is right for you.

In Case Of An Emergency

Thus, we have come to the first place in our special ranking. The gold medal of ugly gifts goes to the “showershampoo + perfume” set from the supermarket down the street. When you do not know what to buy, or you are clamorously late, the bath set often takes the chestnuts out of the fire.

ugly gifts

Of course, then the recipient finds himself in the unpleasant situation of having to feign astonishment, wonder and appreciation for a gift that he clearly hoped not to receive. Not least because-no one ever says this-a gift of this kind can raise doubts in the recipient that he or she is not an “approachable” person….

An Alternative To Ugly Gifts

And here we come to the end of this “special” dedicated to the bad or ugly gifts that each of us, at least once, has given or received. We promised you, however, in the opening, a suggestion to improve the level of your gifts. If you find yourself in the situation having to think about a small gift for friends, partners, siblings or other such creatures we take the liberty to propose MysterU.

In fact, our cases can be given away very easily (for infoĀ click here), ensuring, for those who receive them, the opportunity to have an engaging, intriguing experience and to share it with others.

No more ugly gifts! Try MysterU now!